Where: Brazos Bookstore on Bissonnet
What: Reading by two superb poets
My worthless opinion:
This is first reading I've been to since last semester. I had forgotten how much I miss readings. I love hearing people oo and ah softly when a pretty line is delivered.
It was a nice pairing of readers (not only because they are married). To make some very elementary comparisons, both of them wrote about the body, about poets, about death, about art and artists, about themselves, and about historical figures and events. I would say they embody the idea of the poet as art critic, historian, and lyricist.
Nadine Meyer went first and read from The Anatomy Theater, a fascinating collection that primarily revolves around images from anatomy lab. I found many of the images gorgeous and revolting at the same time. I especially liked the pieces she read that combined agricultural and physiological metaphors. Some really moving lines, especially in the last piece she read. I have vague (and only vague because of my bum brain) memories about "hand of memory" and "vial of melancholy."
Steve Gehrke had a great "stage presence," a humorous modesty. He shared some of his new projects with us; and no, Steve, I did not know that Abraham Lincoln suffered from depression, or that Eugene O'Neil ripped up his house with a machete! I admired how personal some of his poetry could be. I especially like the charged, clipped rhythm of the first piece (the one about Eugene O'Neil) and the second-to-last piece (excerpt from "Empty Chair"). I wish I could quote you some lines, but alas I was too poor to purchase the books. Or I'm a cheapskate.
At any rate, it was loads of fun, and I hope you all come to the next reading (November 7th), which will feature our very own Sasha West and Marsha Recknagel, two of the nicest women I have ever worked with, and, might I say, both excellent writers.
To the end,
Photograph "borrowed" from: http://middlewesterner.typepad.com/middlewesterner/2005/08/pardon_the_prou.html
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