Welcome back for a brand new year! This blog is where you can find information on R2's meetings, deadlines, and general happenings, as well as some literary events you should know about around campus. More details on R2 can always be found on our website, r2mag.rice.edu.
Here's what you should know:
Our first meeting of the year is Friday, September 4 from 4 to 5 PM in the RMC's Meyer Conference Room. If you're interested in becoming involved in R2, you're welcome to come by and check us out!
If you're an artist, you should be working on an awesome cover for R2 this year! Submissions will be due on October 19.
If you're a writer, it's never too early to start picking out or working on your submissions! They will be due on November 30. For more information on written submissions, check out the Submissions section of our website.
If you're looking for something to do, check out Brazos Bookstore. It's very close to campus and often has stuff going on.
If you're just looking for some inspiration, try this:
Go here and click on Random Poem. Use the first line of the poem to write your own poem, story, journal entry, or whatever. If you don't like the poem, try again until you find a good first line.
We're all excited for the upcoming year and can't wait to show you what R2 can do!
"The king's a beggar, now the play is done:
All is well ended, if this suit be won,
That you express content; which we will pay,
With strife to please you, day exceeding day:
Ours be your patience then, and yours our parts;
Your gentle hands lend us, and take our hearts."
Shakespeare, All's Well that Ends Well